

  • Instructor: Emily Barnard
  • Office: Language and Computer Labs (map) Room 108
  • Office hours: Friday 3:PM-5PM or by appt
  • Email:

Course description

Welcome to Calculus! We will start the semester with first order finite difference models. Then we'll study derivatives - limits, power rule, graphing, and optimization; exponential and logarithmic functions - growth and decay models. We'll end the semester with integrals - computation, area, total change; applications in life, management, and social sciences.

Course materials

  • Textbook: Goldstein, Lay,  Schneider, and Asmar, Calculus and Its Applications, 11th, 12th, or 13th edition, Pearson.
  • 5 blank blue books
  • Optional: Non-graphing calculator
  • WebAssign



  • 10% Homework
  • 20% Participation and quizzes
  • 40% Tests
  • 30% Exam
A+ 100-98 B+ 89-88 C+ 79-78 D+ 69-68 F 59-0
A  97-93 B  87-83 C  77-73 D  67-63
A- 92-90 B- 82-80 C- 72-70   D- 62-60

The above is intended as a guideline only-- actual letter grades may differ by up to half a letter grade. The best way to receive a good grade in this course is to demonstrate improvement and a sincere effort to learn the material.


In accordance with university policy, attendance will be taken. For excused absences you must present me in writing with the reason for your absence within 24 hours of the absence. Your absence will be considered on a case by case basis.

  • What counts as an absence?
  • Missing at least one half of lecture (no show; leaving early or arriving late)
  • Having your laptop computer open during lecture; sleeping, doing work for another class; reading the newspaper; texting
  • Tardiness counts as half an absence; students are tardy if they appear ten minutes after class begins


I will give weekly quizzes at the start of every Wednesday class. Quiz problems will either come directly from lecture examples or homework assignments. Occasionally, I may assign a take-home quiz.


There will be four tests given in addition to the final exam. The dates for the tests are given below:
Test 1 :: Monday September 12
Test 2 :: Monday October 3
Test 3 :: Monday October 31
Test 4 :: Monday November 21
Final Exam :: Friday December 9, from 6-9 PM
Note: The final exam can only be rescheduled if the student has 3 exams within a 24 hour period and has obtained prior departmental approval.

Note: Leaving a test with your cell phone will be interpreted as turning in your test: No further changes will be made to your test document upon your return to the classroom.

Test make-up and re-grading policy


The test make-up policy is in accordance with the University policy.

All anticipated absences must be excused IN ADVANCE of the test date. These include University duties or trips (certified by an appropriate faculty or staff member), required court attendance (certified by the Clerk of Court), or religious observances (certified by the Department of Parent and Family Services 515−2441). You need to schedule a time to take the test BEFORE the scheduled test date.

Emergency absences must be reported not more than one week after returning to class and must be appropriately documented. (Illness by an attending physician or family emergencies by Parent and Family Services).

Make-ups for oversleeping, car trouble, or any excuse not approved by the university may only be given ON THE DAY OF THE TEST. Get in touch with me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE on that day. Tests given in this case will be scheduled to accommodate the instructor, not necessarily the student.


Tests must be presented to me no later than one week after the test has been returned, with a written record of your grading issue attached to the test.  Do not alter the original work. The entire test may be regraded, and the test grade may decrease, remain the same, or increase.

Students with disabilities

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students MUST register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515 − 7653, AND THEN meet with me prior to the test date. Please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulations (REG02.20.1).

Code of student conduct

The code of student conduct must be upheld. Documentation will be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct for students who violate the University regulations on academic integrity.